Glossary of terms used in the field of venture financing

And advertising agent (Placement agents)
Agents for preparing and posting information about a project or company to attract investment in a venture fund
Active investor
An investor who actively participates in the management of a company, rewarding managers with stock options or other means.
Most often, such an investor immediately plans to exit the investment, and determines the time and method of exit, focusing on the current profitability or internal rate of return.
Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
An investment market created in the UK for financing companies
SWOT analysis Analysis
of the strengths and weaknesses of the project, the opportunities that open up during its implementation, and the dangers associated with the implementation of the project
Analytical Exit Multiple
One of the profitability measures (along with cash flow, book value, etc.) used to estimate the future value of a company at the end of the investment period
Business angels, business angels
Wealthy people who invest their own funds in a starting or expanding business, often associated with the implementation of scientific and technical projects
BAVK (BVCA - British Venture Capital Association)
British Venture Capital Association is a voluntary association of venture companies, venture funds, investing in emerging and expanding companies
Option for paying a fixed percentage of remuneration, catch-up
One of the schemes for paying a fixed remuneration, according to which, after reimbursing investors for the invested amounts and paying a minimum agreed percentage (bar), further payments are made only to the fund management company until it will “catch up” with investors in terms of interest paid.
  • After this, all proceeds are usually divided in a ratio of 80:20
A security issued by a company to obtain additional capital, which gives its owner the right to purchase shares of the company on a specially specified day at a set price. The warrant holder sacrifices his current income in hopes of acquiring significant capital upon conversion of the warrant.
Venture financing
Financing of new businesses and activities that are considered the most risky and therefore cannot be financed from conventional sources (for example, a bank loan or loan)
Venture capital
Capital invested in a high-risk project, especially money invested in a new venture or in the expansion of an existing company in exchange for shares of stock.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
The most important characteristic of investment efficiency. EAVC recommends determining GNI at three levels:
1. Gross return on sold investments.
2. Gross return on all investments.
3. Net return for the investor
Possibility of refusing part of the contract (Earn-back)
Possibility to “win back” when concluding a transaction or contract, i.e., on contractual grounds, to refuse some part of the terms of the contract
Management charge
A percentage of the investor's initial commitment intended to pay for the services of the company (individual) managing the fund
Equity Kicker An equity
clause that accompanies the loan security (to increase the attractiveness of the securities). Can take the form of warrants, convertibility or ordinary shares.
Leveraged buy-out (LBO):
a) Management buy-out-MBO
b) Management buy-in- MBI
Acquisition of a business using its potential in obtaining loans (sometimes by issuing promissory notes) to finance the purchase.
If the buyout is carried out by a team of managers of the company being bought out, such leverage is usually called management buy-out (MBO);
if a team of external managers is from the previous owners, then this is management buy-in (MBI) (see also financial leverage)
Exit from an investment or project - Exit
"Exit" is the final stage of the venture investment process, the sale of a block of shares owned by the venture investor and his exit from the company
Indemnity Guarantees
against loss, i.e. the agreement of the seller of a company or part of it to compensate a certain percentage of possible future damages associated with the business
Goodwill, notional value of business connections (Goodwill)
The value of a company's business connections and reputation, expressed in the difference between the company's valuation on the stock exchange and the amount of its tangible assets recorded on the company's balance sheet
Endowments Endowments
at large universities that provide funds for new companies with longer-term and less stringent commitments than pension funds.
Many of them are active participants in venture financing
Cash flow
The difference between receipts and payments (income and expenses)
Business cocktails and lunches (wining and dining)
Business cocktails and lunches, during which it is easy to establish new useful contacts with potential investors and future business partners
Cheap common shares
Cheap common shares issued at a low par value so that management can buy back their shares and institutional investors can receive current income and preferences on their sale.
Divestment (withdrawal of investments) (Divestment, Divestiture)
Reverse withdrawal of invested capital by a venture capitalist or any investor from a project, firm, company (see exit from investment, exit)
Discount, rebate (Discount)
Sale of new shares and other securities at reduced prices, in the event that they do not have a par value are sold at a price below the current market price
Added value
Capitalized additional value of an enterprise acquired by it as a result of its financing by venture capital within the framework of a specific project
(analogue - incremental value)
Lock-up agreement
An agreement to temporarily prohibit the sale of most shares by a venture capitalist in order to increase the confidence of institutional investors in the company.
Non-Compete Agreement
An oral or documented agreement between members of a venture capital firm's investee team to avoid competitive relations.
Debt financing (Debt investment, financing)
In the venture business - an investment long-term loan either interest-free or with a minimum interest rate
Seed financing
Financing of a project before the start of its implementation
EAVC (EVCA - European Venture Capital Association)
European Venture Capital Association is an association of professional European venture capitalists, formed in 1983.
EASDAC (EASDAQ - European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)
The automatic quotation system of the European Association of Stock Dealers is a recently created analogue of NASDAQ
Latter-round financing
Financing at the last (final) stages of financing a project or company (see bridge financing; mezzanine financing; financial leverage; buyout of a controlling stake; MB&O; MB&I and replacement capital)
Closing, fund closing
Termination of the process of mobilizing capital into an investment fund, after which the first investments are made in the project
Closed-end fund
A fund in which you can only leave the participants by finding a buyer for your share.
Replacement Capital
Payment for shares previously paid for by another investor through direct financing
Emerging markers
New markets that emerged in the 80s and 90s that are of interest to venture capital investment
Disclosure letter
In the venture business, a written certificate from the owners of the company in which they confirm that all information provided to the investor is complete and absolutely truthful.
Investment in equity capital (Equity investment/financing)
Direct investment in equity capital, acquisition of a share or block of shares in the share capital of a company
Investment memorandum (Investment offer/memorandum)
A document submitted to the investment committee for consideration, which contains the rationale for the investment proposal
Investment committee
A body formed from representatives of investors in direct equity investments or venture capitalists, which protects their interests and makes the final decision on the advisability of investing in a specific project
Investment proposal
Investment proposal
Regularly or occasionally issued information sheets about the activities of the invested company, which are not reporting, but advertising in nature.
Information memorandum (Information/Placement memorandum)
A document published during the period of raising funds for a fund, which briefly formulates its goals, objectives and preferences
Information for official use (inside information)
Information not intended for distribution outside the company (internal information)
Information about positive experience (Success stories)
Information about previously successfully invested in projects or companies
Expansion, development capital Capital
of companies at the stage of expansion (development) of their business, characterized by an increase in sales volumes, market share, production volumes
Back-to-back agreement
An agreement to provide a loan in one country or currency that is guaranteed by a deposit in a bank in another country or currency.
Final predicted return on investment in the company (Exit Track record)
The predicted return on investment in the invested company upon exit from the investment. Data on the past successful activities of the venture fund of the management company or fund managers are used as the basis for the forecast.
Controlled sources of venture capital financing (Captives)
Sources of venture capital that are directly subordinate to investors
Controlled investment fund (Captive fund)
An investment fund under the control of an institutional (investment bank, financial group) or corporate investor
Hands-on support/ management
The stage of the investment process in which the venture capitalist seeks to provide the maximum possible assistance to the company in which his funds are invested.
Control Stock
A block of shares owned by an individual or legal entity, regardless of the method of acquisition, which directly or indirectly controls
or is controlled by the issuer
Corporate culture
A set of norms, rules and values adopted and operating in the company
Corporate investor (Corporate investors)
A commercial company engaged in investing. Contra-supplied to an institutional investor specifically created for investment purposes (investment banks, funds, financial companies)
Leverage , the ratio between equity and external investments (Leverage)
The ratio of borrowed capital attracted to the company to the issued share capital
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
The average interest rate at which banks in London lend against their deposits.
Small and medium-sized business SME (SMB-small and medium-sized business)
Companies or firms in which the number of employees, capital and production volume are significantly lower than those of well-known companies and corporations. SMEs are characterized by much greater mobility and a better ability to adapt to changing supply and demand relationships in the market
MBA (Master of business administration)
Academic degree of Master of Business Administration
Mezzanine financing
An intermediate level of financing (through securities collateral) between a senior loan and equity. Usually a subordinated loan (having a lower status in case of collection) or preferred shares that provide for compensation in securities are used
Minority position/stake
A share of participation determined by a block of shares that is smaller than the controlling stake, which the venture investor, as a rule, does not claim during the initial investment.
Minimum return (Preferred return)
Minimum return on investment in venture capital
Minimum wage rate
The amount of wages established by law or contract (hourly, weekly, monthly) for a certain job, below which it cannot be performed
Junior Securities Securities
whose rights are subordinated to senior creditors, especially if the securities are sold.
Fund raising
The process of finding investors to create a fund
Supervisory body
In continental European countries, a body consisting of middle managers and/or members of the supervisory board to assist the director and monitor his actions. The SB acts on behalf of all shareholders of the company
The earliest stage of financing (Seed stage)
Financing of projects that exist only on paper or in the form of laboratory developments (most often carried out at the expense of the project initiators’ own funds or funds borrowed from close friends)
Taxable income from non-core activities (Unrelated Business Taxable Income-UBTI)
Tax levied to the state budget on income resulting from activities not specified in the company’s charter documents
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers automated quotations, NASDAQ)
The automatic quotation system of the National Association of Securities Dealers of the United States is the second (after the New York) US stock exchange specializing in the first issue of shares
Work in progress (WIP)
Partially completed contracts; with long-term contracts, the cost of work in progress may also include an element of profit
Non-profit foundation (Foundation) A
financial and administrative organization that, according to its Charter, does not have the right to engage in commercial activities,
i.e., make a profit from its statutory activities
Unquoted/unlisted company
A company whose shares are not registered and are not bought or sold on the stock exchange.
Nepotism (Nepotism, from Lat. Nepos - descendant)
Acceptance of relatives or “one’s own” people to “grain” posts
Unintentional Error (Culpa en contrahendo)
"Carelessness", failure to take sufficient account of all possible factors affecting the implementation of the term s
and conditions of an agreement or contract
Debt Service
Payments of principal and interest owed by the invested company
Common Law
A precedent system of law, often used in the USA, Great Britain, Canada
Growth seekers
Companies whose strategy is focused on increasing sales and profits
Department of mergers and acquisitions of a company (Mergers & acquisitions)
A structural division of a company, the main task of which, with sufficient development of the project, is to search and implement options for expanding the company by merging it with other effectively operating companies of a similar profile or acquiring related companies and firms (or parts thereof)
Open information (Public domain)
Information about the activities of a company or firm that is available to the public
Open-end fund
A fund from which you can withdraw from the membership at any time if desired or necessary.
“Set aside” the performance of a contract (Set aside)
The right to temporarily, by mutual prior agreement, postpone the performance of part of the contract
Ratio of direct investment to the volume of loans issued (Equity/debt ratio)
The ratio between the volume of non-bank funds, i.e., funds borrowed at a certain percentage, invested in the project, and the amount of bank loans.
At the final stage of the early stage, the main source of financing for growth is bank loans, i.e. the direct investment/bank loans ratio decreases significantly
The ratio of the market price of a share to its income (Price/earnings multiple)
The ratio of the market value of a company's shares to net income (the current market price of a company's share divided by the earnings per share of the same company)
Ratio of current assets to current liabilities (Current Ratio)
Ratio of current current assets to current liabilities. This ratio is used in balance sheet analysis to assess a company's ability to regularly pay its debts.
Deferred consideration
The portion of a company's sale price that will be paid in the future under certain conditions.
Management account Financial
or other report of the manager of a company with venture investments to the board of directors, board
Limited partner
A co-founder or co-investor of a venture fund who is liable for its obligations and risks only up to the amount of funds contributed to the fund.
Passive foreign company (Passive foreign company)
Companies located outside the country that invest in the development of small and medium-sized businesses, but do not have stakes
and benefit from US and UK legislation on taxation of offshore funds
Passive investor
A venture capitalist, who does not own shares, invests on a long-term basis, without an exit plan, and expects to receive income through annual dividends.
Pension fund An
investment institution, one of the sources of the formation of venture funds, the funds in which come from pension contributions of citizens
Initial Value (Pre-Money Valuation)
The pre-determined value of a company before funds from a venture capitalist are contributed to it.
Investor's initial commitment
The investor's obligation to contribute a certain amount of money to the venture fund being formed.
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
An initial offering for sale of shares of a company by registration of securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in accordance with the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
Resale of part of a company to a company engaged in a similar business (Trade sale)
One of the most common forms of divestment (exit from a project), when participation in a business is sold to a buyer in the same area of production
of goods or services in which the invested company operates
Bar (upper limit) (Hurdle; Hurdle rates)
The agreed percentage on the funds invested by the investor in the fund, accrued and paid after exiting the investment or project from the investment
and returning the invested amounts to investors
Financial risk indicators (Leverage Ratios)
Indicators of financial risk when investing in a project. They are determined by various ratios: the size of assets and credit, credit and capitalization,
Investment return indicator (Price/earnings, P/E)
The value of the ratio between the start of investment and exit from the project, multiplied by the increase in profitability during the investment period
Fully-Diluted Ownership
The ratio of ownership rights assuming that all options on common shares, warrants are exercised and all convertible securities are converted
Deal-flow In the venture business:
1) the initial stage of working with companies, potentially interesting for the investor, who accumulates information about them;
2) potential number of investment opportunities
Liquidity Rights Rights
that determine the possibility, method and time of sale, repurchase or other transfer of collateral. Includes the right to offer collateral at public auction ("registered claims"), rights to buy or sell at a specified price or formula (options), or rights to participate in any sale of the collateral to a third party ("participating rights"). May be limited by "right to refuse first"
The board of the investee company, which includes the venture capitalist. In the US and UK this is a board of directors, which includes executive and non-executive directors.
The company's management is represented on the board by executive directors. Venture capitalists occupy the position of non-executive directors.
The board of directors is the body that determines the company's policy and is responsible to shareholders.
In European countries, there are supervisory boards consisting of middle managers or members of the supervisory board (one or more members of the management team, according to the charter, occupy the official position of director, who determines the company's policies, while the supervisory board can approve or disapprove of these policies)
Excess of EBIT over expenses (EBIT Coverage Ratio)
An indicator of the company's ability to meet its interest payment obligations, i.e. the profitability of the company's investment operations
Project proposal
A proposal for a project from a company applying for investment
First refusal
The right of first choice in the competitive consideration of applicants for investment in a newly created company or in the expansion of an already successfully existing business.
Preferential rights to the company's assets upon its sale (Liquidation/Seniority Preference)
Such advantages are determined by documents guaranteeing the rights of the borrower, intercreditor agreements and legislation
Financial advisor to those planning to invest in venture capital funds
Due diligence
The "scrutinizing" or "observation" examination of the data presented in the business plan or sales memorandum, the second stage of the venture capital investment process, during which all aspects of the business of the company seeking investment are examined.
Based on this study process, a decision is made to invest), determining the attractiveness of the transaction, taking into account the risks
Added value
See added value
Proactive exit
A plan for exiting a project or business provided in advance by the investor.
Predicted return on investment in a company (Track record)
Guidelines for the investor’s preliminary calculations of the future income of the invested company, based on the past successful
activities of the venture fund of the management company or fund managers
Living with company
The period of active interaction between the venture capitalist and the company in which his funds are invested.
Bridge financing
Short- to medium-term investments intended for companies converting from private limited companies to public companies and wishing to list their
shares on a stock exchange or gain access to other sources of financing.
Direct equity investment
Investment outside of organized stock markets in the share capital of usually medium-sized or small private companies, giving the right to receive
Let the buyer beware (Caveat emptor (lat.) - Let the buyer beware)
The principle that involves placing the risk of a purchase on the buyer rather than on the seller
Capital dilution (Down & Dirty Round of Financing)
An additional issue of shares that significantly dilutes capital, which is usually carried out in connection with the ineffective operation of the company
The form and method of making venture investments in a company experiencing difficulties in its operational activities
Early stage financing
Financing of companies at an early stage of development and without any long market history
Firm Advertising Campaign (Events)
Advertising and ceremonial events used to disseminate information about the investee company
A mechanism provided for by a shareholder agreement for the transfer of investor shares to management when the business achieves certain targets, contained in the agreement concluded by the shareholders
Payment for the right to use the property of another person (including intellectual property) invested in the company for the purpose of making a profit
An offer to fellow venture business colleagues to participate in investments.
Credit syndication
Coordinated pooling of loans from several banks, investment companies or funds to finance large projects
Dividend Received Deduction (DRD)
A discount that a corporate shareholder is entitled to use on dividends received from a resident company. The discount is usually 80%, but for companies investing in small businesses it can be 100%
Burn Rate
The rate (usually measured in months) at which a company burns through its cash. Used to determine the subsequent financing schedule
Compounding Determination
of profitability, adding interest or income on an investment to the principal amount (compound interest, i.e. interest on interest).
The opposite of discounting
Shareholders agreement
A document signed by a venture capitalist and company owners prior to the official registration of the investor's entry into the company.
Pooling agreement A joint
agreement between shareholders to form a majority capable of blocking decisions at a shareholders meeting
Agreement on the terms and conditions of the contract (Term sheet)
A document signed when concluding a contract for investment in a company by venture capital
Yield spread (Spread)
The difference between the purchase price of shares and the price of their possible sale upon exit from the project
Discount rate (Discount Rate)
Reduction of interest rates of different years to a value comparable in time
Expansion stage (Start-up)
In relation to company financing, investing in a project or company that either does not have any long market history or is at a very early stage of sales
Strategic buyer
A large company in the same field of production or services in which the invested company operates. Most often, exit from investment is carried out through resale to a strategic buyer
Insurance company
A financial organization that insures investors a certain part of the risk when investing in a new company or in the expansion of an existing one. One of the sources of financing for private equity investors and venture capitalists
Deal structure
An agreement between a venture investor and an entrepreneur on the distribution of shares or shares in the capital of the company, the form, methods, methods of investment and the amount of investment
Current investment income (Current Return)
Investment income that is received at this stage in the form of interest or dividends, as opposed to the part of the income that will be received in the form of capital gains upon divestment (exit from the project)
Current return (Cash returns)
The return on funds invested in a new company or business expansion during the development of a project financed by venture capital
Earn-out/Performance Test
A procedure or test that establishes the relationship between selling price and/or time. This indicator depends on the post-investment performance of the company
Limited liability partnership
A legal form of organizing a venture fund in which investors (partners) are liable for the obligations of the fund only to the extent of the capital contributed by each of them (contribution), with the exception of the managing partner, who bears full liability.
Fund manager
Typically a legal entity hired by investors to manage their funds invested in the fund to effectively finance a new business or develop an existing one.
Managing partner (General partner)
A legal entity or individual chosen by investors as the senior partner who is responsible for managing the fund (whether carried out by himself or through a hired fund management company).
The managing partner has full liability, unlike the other partners, whose liability is limited to their share of the partnership.
Depositing a certain amount by the buyer with a third party under certain conditions when there are doubts about the integrity of the seller of the company
Fact sheets
Generalized facts (summary statements of objective performance indicators of the company, any of its structures or management)
Risk factors
Risks or bottlenecks of a particular business that must be taken into account before a decision is made to invest in a company
Fiduciary obligations
Fiduciary duties of shareholders of a limited liability company (LLC)
Carried interest
A fixed percentage of remuneration paid to the manager of a venture fund or company after the return of the initial investment to investors and the payment of an agreed percentage on the invested capital; income going to the company's fund managers rather than to investors (see bar)
Financial leverage
The company's use of the financial capabilities of a private equity investor to effectively achieve its goals.
Venture capital fund
A financial institution whose primary function is to invest in a new business or expand an existing one.
Mutual fund An
investment institution formed by investments of private and legal entities for the purpose of profitable investments in securities
Buy-out fund
A fund specializing in the buyout of a company or business from its previous owners by a team of managers of the enterprise (see also financial leverage; buyout of a controlling stake)
Private equity fund
A typically tax-transparent fund that does not have the rights of a legal entity and is managed by a fund management company.
The fund is created for the purpose of making joint investments (see also buyout fund)
Early stage funds
Financial organizations investing in the early stages of creating small businesses, companies, and implementing projects through venture capital
The right granted to act on behalf and on behalf of
Net Assets Value (NAV)
The value of shares of open-end funds on the current day at which managers of these funds undertake to buy back their shares from investors
EBIT (rnings before interest and taxes) (EBIT - Earning Before Interest and Tax)
Earnings before interest and taxes - an indicator of the operational efficiency of a company that does not take into account its financial structure, EBIT is a synonym for "earnings before interest and taxes" . Another synonym is “income from operations”
EBIT Multiple
The ratio of the market value of all assets (equity plus long-term debt) to EBIT after taxes.

Investing Questions

Does this business interest you?
What is the company's mission?
Is the business understandable?
Can you describe how the business works?\ess make money?
How has the business changed over time?
When was the company founded?
When did the company come publish?
Is the product or service an easy or hard sell?
Are customer dependent on this busi
Do customers pay with credit or cash?
Do customers give the company po:mouth?
Whats the net promoter score?
 If the business disappeared, would customers notice or care?
Do customers buy ina recession?
Can customers delay their purchase?
Can customers demand discounts?
What financial metrics matter most?
What are the business fundamentals?
Is revenue recurring?
Is revenue cyclical, countercyclical, or recession resistant?
Does the company have a fixed-cost or variable- cost business model?
Are accounting standards conservative or iberal?
Does the company emphasize GAAP or Non-GAP accounting?
Are the financial statement easy to understand?
How much cash does the company have?
Are there accounts receivables? How much?
Is there inventory? How much?
Is there any goodwill? How much?
What are the company biggest assets?
Does the company have debt? How much? What ind?
Does the company have deferred revenue? 
What are the company biggest liabilities?
How has the company been funded? .
Is there any preferred stock?
Are retained earnings positive and growing? *
Is there any treasury stock?
Does revenue consistently grow?
What is the gross margin?
Isthe gross margin stable? Expant
Contracting? Why?
Are there research & development expenses?
Are there selling & marketing expenses?
 What are the company's biggest operating expenses?
What is the company's operating margin?
 Does the company have any non-operating expenses?
What is the company's net profit margin?
Is the company profitable on a Non-GAAP basis?
Is the company profitable on a GAAP basis?
What is the return on equity? Is it consistent?
What is the return on asset? Is it consistent?
What is the return on invested capital employed?
Does the business have opportun capital at high rates of return?
How does changes in working capi flow?
 Are capital-expenditures high or low? :
Does the company generate positive free cash flow? .
Does the company have high depre expense?
Donet income and free cash flow closely match =each other? If not, why?
 What are the biggest non-cash charges? .
What is the company doing with it's operating income? .
Does the company sell a diversified or concentrated group of products?
What are the company's most important
proudcts and or services?
Are the products/services a vitamin (nice to
have) or a painkiller (must have)? What pain is alleviated for the customer?
 Isthe product a commodity or at risk or commoditization?
 Are sales cyclical, countercyclical, or recession.
 Does the company produce goods or services
whose sales are likely to increase substantially for at least the next several years?
Isthere a sustainable competitive advantage?
 What is the moat source?
 Are there network effects or a product ecosystem?
Do customers have switching costs? How painful would it be to switch?
 Isthere a cost advantage? What's the source or
the cost advantage? Does the company havea strong brand?
Are customers willing to pay more because of
‘the company's brand?
Are there other intangibles? Patents? Copyright?
Trademark? License?
Isthe moat shrinking, stable, or expanding?
Does the company have favorable growth prospects?
 Whats the motivation to grow?
 What is the total addressable market size? |growing?
Does the company have a history of successfully launching new products/services that generate needle-moving growth?
Operating leverage: Is it ahead of or behind the company?
Isthe company a ‘top dog and first mover’ in an portant industry?
 Has historical growth been profitable? Can it continue?
 Growing too quickly or at a steady pace?
 Is the company growing organically or though acquisition?
 How does management make M&A decisions?
 Have past acquisitions been successful?
Has management ever been forced to take a goodwill write-down?
Does the company consider returns on investment a company's research and development spending?
 Does the company have an above-average sales organisation?
Will the company's growth require so much equity finance that the much larger number of shares outstanding will largely cancel the benefit from this. what type of manager is the CEO?
anticipated growth?  How did CEO rise to lead the business? 
 Isthere any customer concentration? 
How much stock do insiders hold?
 Isthe business completely customer- and product- . 
How are senior managers compensated? .
 How did they gain their ownership interest?
Can the company raise prices at will?Is the company ‘Have the managers been buying or sellingthe a price taker or price-maker? stock?
Customer retention rate? Churn?
Isthe founder still involved?
Is the product or service an easy or hard sell?
Investing Questions
 What are the key risks?
How does inflation affect the busines:
 Concentration risks: Customer? Supp!
How long has the CEO been with the business?
How much industry experience do the top 3 managers have?
Does the CEO love money or love the business?
Does the company have a mission statement?
Is the CEO overly promotional?
Would you trust the CEO to aby your kids?
Is the CEO a good communicator?
Is the CEO an independent thinker?
Are de ized or decentralized?
Does CEO considers all stakeholders with decisions?
How involved is the CEO in day-to-day ns?
 Is the CEO involved with product decisions?
 Does the CEO value employees?
 Does the CEO get good ratings on Glassdoor + Indeed?
Would you want to work at this company?
Would you want to report to this CEO?
Does the CEO surround him or herself with talented people?
 How does management team allocate capital?
Does the management team have a short- or a long-range outlook?
Marketing? Key Employee?
Is there a potential for disruption or obsolescence?
Do outside forces matter? Commodity prices?
Interest rates? Stock price? Strong Economy?
Is stock-based compensation excessive?
 Are the financial statement easy to understand?
Does the business have poor earnings qu Is there regulatory risk?
Is there currency risk?
Is it easy or hard for new companies to join the industry?
 Does management issue guidance?
 Does management conrency exceed Wall
Street's targets?
 Does management under promise + over deliver?
Isthere a history of ied capital-allocation de   ns?
Does management buy back stock? How much?
Have buyback reduced the share count? How much?
Does the company pay a dividend? How long?
Has it grown?
Has the stock outperformed the market since IPO?
Has the stock outperformed the market over the last 5 years?
Has the stock outperformed it's sector?
What stage of business maturity is the company currently in?
What is the market capitalization & enterprise value?
What metrics are most useful to determine the company's valuation?
Sales? Gross profit? EBITDA? EBIT? EBT? Net income? Free cash flow?
Could the company re market capitalization?
What expectations are baked into the current market valuation?
What growth assumptions are needed to make a discounted cash flow analysis work?
Does a reverse discounted cash flow analysis make sense?
Does this business interest you?
What is the company's mission?
Is the business understandable?
Can you describe how the business works?\ess make money?
How has the business changed over time?
When was the company founded?
When did the company come publish?
Is the product or service an easy or hard sell?
Are customer dependent on this busi
Do customers pay with credit or cash?
Do customers give the company po:mouth?
Whats the net promoter score?
 Ifthe business disappeared, would customers notice or care?
Do customers buy ina recession?
Can customers delay their purchase?
Can customers demand discounts?
What financial metrics matter most?
What are the business fundamentals?
Is revenue recurring?
Is revenue cyclical, countercyclical, or recession resistant?
Does the company have a fixed-cost or variable- cost business model?
Are accounting standards conservative or iberal?
Does the company emphasize GAAP or Non-GAP accounting?
Are the financial statement easy to understand?
How much cash does the company have?
Are there accounts receivables? How much?
Is there inventory? How much?
Is there any goodwill? How much?
What are the company biggest assets?
Does the company have debt? How much? What ind?
Does the company have deferred revenue? 
What are the company biggest liabilities?
How has the company been funded? .
Is there any preferred stock?
Are retained earnings positive and growing? *
Is there any treasury stock?
Does revenue consistently grow?
What is the gross margin?
Isthe gross margin stable? Expant
Contracting? Why?
Are there research & development expenses?
Are there selling & marketing expenses?
 What are the company's biggest operating expenses?
What is the company's operating margin?
 Does the company have any non-operating expenses?
What is the company's net profit margin?
Is the company profitable on a Non-GAAP basis?
Is the company profitable on a GAAP basis?
What is the return on equity? Is it consistent?
What is the return on asset? Is it consistent?
What is the return on invested capital employed?
Does the business have opportun capital at high rates of return?
How does changes in working capi flow?
 Are capital-expenditures high or low? :
Does the company generate positive free cash flow? .
Does the company have high depre expense?
Donet income and free cash flow closely match =each other? If not, why?
 What are the biggest non-cash charges? .
What is the company doing with it's operating income? .
Does the company sell a diversified or concentrated group of products?
What are the company's most important proudcts and or services?
Are the products/services a vitamin (nice to have) or a painkiller (must have)?
What pain is alleviated for the customer?
 Isthe product a commodity or at risk or commoditization?
 Are sales cyclical, countercyclical, or recession.
 Does the company produce goods or services
whose sales are likely to increase substantially for at least the next several years?
Isthere a sustainable competitive advantage?
 What is the moat source?
 Are there network effects or a product ecosystem?
Do customers have switching costs? How painful would it be to switch?
 Isthere a cost advantage? What's the source or
the cost advantage? Does the company havea strong brand?
Are customers willing to pay more because of
‘the company's brand?
Are there other intangibles? Patents? Copyright?
Trademark? License?
Isthe moat shrinking, stable, or expanding?
Does the company have favorable growth prospects?
 Whats the motivation to grow?
 What is the total addressable market size? |growing?
Does the company have a history of successfully launching new products/services that generate needle-moving growth?
Operating leverage: Is it ahead of or behind the company?
Isthe company a ‘top dog and first mover’ in an portant industry?
 Has historical growth been profitable? Can it continue?
 Growing too quickly or at a steady pace?
 Is the company growing organically or though acquisition?
 How does management make M&A decisions?
 Have past acquisitions been successful?
Has management ever been forced to take a goodwill write-down?
Does the company consider returns on investment a company's research and development spending?
 Does the company have an above-average sales organisation?
Will the company's growth require so much equity finance that the much larger number of shares outstanding will largely cancel the benefit from this. what type of manager is the CEO?Anticipated growth? 
How did CEO rise to lead the business? 
 Isthere any customer concentration? 
How much stock do insiders hold?
 Isthe business completely customer- and product- . 
How are senior managers compensated? .
 How did they gain their ownership interest?
Can the company raise prices at will?Is the company ‘Have the managers been buying or sellingthe a price taker or price-maker? stock?
Customer retention rate? Churn? © Isthe founder still involved? .
Is the product or service an easy or hard sell?
Investing Questions
 What are the key risks?
How does inflation affect the busines:
 Concentration risks: Customer? Supp!
How long has the CEO been with the business?
How much industry experience do the top 3 managers have?
Does the CEO love money or love the business?
Does the company have a mission statement?
Is the CEO overly promotional?
Would you trust the CEO to aby your kids?
Is the CEO a good communicator?
Is the CEO an independent thinker?
Are de ized or decentralized?
Does CEO considers all stakeholders with decisions?
How involved is the CEO in day-to-day ns?
 Is the CEO involved with product decisions?
 Does the CEO value employees?
 Does the CEO get good ratings on Glassdoor + Indeed?
Would you want to work at this company?
Would you want to report to this CEO?
Does the CEO surround him or herself with talented people?
 How does management team allocate capital?
Does the management team have a short- or a long-range outlook?
Marketing? Key Employee?
Is there a potential for disruption or obsolescence?
Do outside forces matter? Commodity prices?
Interest rates? Stock price? Strong Economy?
Is stock-based compensation excessive?
 Are the financial statement easy to understand?
Does the business have poor earnings qu Is there regulatory risk?
Is there currency risk?
Is it easy or hard for new companies to join the industry?
 Does management issue guidance?
 Does management conrency exceed Wall
Street's targets?
 Does management under promise + over deliver?
Isthere a history of ied capital-allocation de   ns?
Does management buy back stock? How much?
Have buyback reduced the share count? How much?
Does the company pay a dividend? How long?
Has it grown?
Has the stock outperformed the market since IPO?
Has the stock outperformed the market over the last 5 years?
Has the stock outperformed it's sector?
What stage of business maturity is the company currently in?
What is the market capitalization & enterprise value?
What metrics are most useful to determine the company's valuation?
Sales? Gross profit? EBITDA? EBIT? EBT? Net income? Free cash flow?
Could the company re market capitalization?
What expectations are baked into the current market valuation?
What growth assumptions are needed to make a discounted cash flow analysis work?
Does a reverse discounted cash flow analysis make sense?

Crypto trading - directions

Analytics And forecasts :

Regular analytical reviews of the current situation in the cryptocurrency market with forecasts of price movements.
Training courses:

A series of online courses on the fundamentals and technical analysis of crypto trading for beginners and experienced traders.
Indicators and trading strategies:

Development and review of effective trading strategies and indicators for use in crypto trading .
Trading bots and algorithms:

Information about creating, setting up and using trading bots and algorithms in cryptocurrency trading.
Information platforms for ICO/STO:

Reviews And analysis projects conducting Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) and Security Token Offerings ( STO ).
Trading signals:

Providing regular trading signals with analysis of possible entries and exits from positions.
Diaries of successful traders:

Interviews and reviews of strategies of successful crypto traders , their experience and approaches to trading.
Blockchain technologies in crypto trading :

Research on the use of blockchain in ensuring transparency and security in crypto trading .
Comparative reviews of exchanges:

Regular reviews of cryptocurrency exchanges, comparing their advantages and disadvantages.
Risk management tips:

Information and advice on managing risk when trading cryptocurrencies .
Events and news in the industry:

Tracking and commenting on key events and news in the world of crypto trading .
Technical innovations:

Review of new technologies and tools affecting crypto trading .
Trading on decentralized exchanges:

Analysis of the pros and cons of trading on decentralized crypto exchanges .
Margin trading research:

Review of opportunities and risks when using margin trading.
Technical analysis on the blockchain :

How the use of blockchain can strengthen technical analysis and its reliability.
NFT trading:

Strategies for trading non-fungible digital tokens (NFTs) and their impact on the market.
Crypto trading and taxation:

Information about tax rules for crypto trading in various countries.
Futures and options trading :

Review of futures and options trading instruments on cryptocurrency markets.
Social trading :

Platforms and projects that bring traders together to exchange experiences and strategies.
Research on the impact of news on the market:

Analysis of the impact of events and news on cryptocurrency rates.

Services cryptocurrency signals :

Development of a platform for providing trading signals with analysis.
Trading magazines and portfolio reviews:

Creation of a platform for maintaining trading journals and sharing experiences.
Trading communities:

An organization and platform for discussing strategies and joint trading.
Trading contests and competitions:

Organizing online competitions for traders with prizes.
Reviews of ICOs and new projects:

Analysis and reviews of cryptocurrency projects before their launch.
Trading bots for rent:

Platform for renting and using trading bots.
Cryptocurrency funds and portfolios:

Providing information on the composition and performance of cryptocurrency investment funds.
Risk Advisors:

Development of tools for effective risk management when trading.
Trading courses for children and teenagers:

Creation of educational materials for young people interested in crypto trading .
Analysis of trading volumes:

Platform for analyzing and visualizing trading volumes on various exchanges.
Trading bots with artificial intelligence:

Development of trading bots using machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Trader psychological aspects:

Research and advice on the psychological aspects of crypto trading .
Trading on decentralized exchanges:

Reviews and tips for trading on decentralized crypto exchanges .
Trading using NFTs:

Analysis of the impact of the NFT market on cryptocurrency trading .
Blockchain- based technical analysis :

Exploring technical analysis using data from blockchain .
Trading psychological tools:

Development of tools to control the emotional state of a trader.
Trading strategies for small deposits:

Tips and strategies for those with limited start-up capital.
Services for automatic copying of transactions:

Platforms for copying transactions of successful traders.
Trading on cryptocurrency futures:

Reviews of tools and strategies for futures trading.
Trader news feeds:

A service for providing current news affecting the cryptocurrency market.
Strategies for trading stablecoins :

Analysis of Stablecoin Strategies .
Analysis of the influence of social media on the market:

A study of the impact of social media posts on the cryptocurrency market.
Comparative reviews of trading pairs:

Comparison of the effectiveness and prospects of trading pairs.
Analytics of blockchain transactions:

Platform for analyzing blockchain transaction data and their impact on the market.
Trading strategies for volatile markets:

Tips and strategies for trading in high volatility environments.
Interviews with successful traders:

A series of interviews with experienced and successful crypto traders .
Arbitrage strategies:

Review of arbitrage strategies between different exchanges.
Trading in low liquidity conditions:

Strategies and approaches to trading in low-liquidity markets.
Analysis of blockchain technologies :

The Impact of New Blockchain Technologies on Crypto Trading .
Specialized exchanges and trading platforms:

Review and comparison of various trading platforms and exchanges.
Trading in bull/bear market conditions:

Tips for trading under various market trends.
Trading using indicators:

Reviews and tips on using various technical indicators.
Trading using geopolitical events:

Analysis of the impact of geopolitical events on the cryptocurrency market .
Trading on cryptocurrency exchanges with margin trading:

Analysis of strategies and risks when trading on margin.
Trading signals for institutional investors:

Development of signaling services for institutional traders.
Analysis of the influence of macroeconomic indicators:

The impact of world economic events on the cryptocurrency market .
Trading using new cryptocurrency products:

Review of innovative cryptocurrency products and their impact on trading .
Real-time technical analysis tools:

Development of tools for conducting technical analysis in real time.
Trading strategies for long-term investors:

Tips and strategies for those planning long-term investments.
Industry market analysis services:

Platforms for analyzing markets of various industries within the cryptocurrency space.
Trading strategies for various time intervals:

Review of strategies for daily, weekly and monthly trading.
Services for social network analysis:

Tools to track social media sentiments and trends and their impact on the market.
Trading using cryptocurrency ETFs:

Analysis of the impact of cryptocurrency ETFs on the crypto market .
Trading strategies for volatile markets:

Tips and approaches to trading during periods of high instability.
Reviews of research on the cryptocurrency market :

Analysis of scientific research and its impact on understanding cryptocurrency markets.
Trading on cryptocurrency ETFs:

Review of the opportunities and risks of trading on exchange-traded stock markets.
Analysis of the impact of international events:

Research on the impact of world events on the crypto market .
Services for creating crypto indices :

Platforms for creating and analyzing cryptocurrency indices .
Trading strategies using options:

Tips and strategies for trading options on the cryptocurrency market.
Analysis of the impact of international regulatory changes:

A study of the impact of changes in regulatory status on the cryptocurrency market .

Informational resources - Partner Group Network .

  Partner Group Network 
Investment consulting 
Articles and publications
Нumanitarian project
IT & Promoution
Real estate 
International real estate: Panama, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, Georgia, Lithuania.
Business sale

Promising directions in Blockchain technologies

Decentralized finance ( DeFi ):

DeFi protocols for asset exchange, loans, staking , etc.
Creating automated money management strategies in DeFi .
NFT market:

A platform for creating and selling unique NFT collections (art, games, music, etc.).
Development of virtual galleries and museums based on NFTs.
Blockchain in healthcare:

Development of a medical history management system on the blockchain .
Platform for sharing and selling medical data with the consent of patients.
Cryptocurrency payment solutions:

Creating a platform for online sales using cryptocurrencies .
Development of mobile applications for cryptocurrency payments.
Investment funds based on cryptocurrencies :

Launch of a cryptocurrency investment fund.
Development of innovative portfolio management strategies using blockchain technologies.
Educational platforms on blockchain and cryptocurrencies :

Creation of online courses, trainings and webinars on blockchain .
Platform for sharing knowledge and experience in the field of cryptocurrencies .
Environmentally sustainable cryptocurrencies :

Development of cryptocurrencies with improved energy efficiency .
Investments in projects aimed at reducing the negative impact of cryptocurrencies on the environment.
Cryptocurrency games:

Creating games with an internal economy based on cryptocurrencies .
Development of NFT elements in games.
Blockchain in logistics:

Development of a cargo tracking system on the blockchain .
Creation of smart contracts to optimize logistics processes.
Services for secure storage of cryptocurrencies :

Development of hardware wallets and cryptocurrency storage services with an emphasis on security.
Providing cold storage services for investors and businesses.
It is important to remember that when implementing any project in the field of crypto business , it is necessary to take into account legal regulations and ensure the safety of users.

Market reviews and analytics:

Analysis of current trends in the crypto market , price forecasts for popular cryptocurrencies .
Educational materials:

A series of articles or video tutorials on the basics of blockchain , cryptocurrencies and smart contract technology.
DeFi and NFT projects :

Research and reviews of interesting projects in the field of decentralized finance and NFTs.
Interviews with experts:

Conversations with leading representatives of the crypto community , developers and investors.
News and events in the industry:

Daily reviews of the main events in the world of cryptocurrency , blockchain and technology.
Technological innovation:

Reviews of new technologies and developments in the field of blockchain .
Safety Research:

Analysis of security problems in the world of cryptocurrencies and ways to solve them.
Stories of success and failure:

Talk about success stories in the crypto space , as well as lessons learned from failures.
Comparative project reviews:

Compares various cryptocurrencies , platforms and projects to help users make more informed decisions.
Crypto games and entertainment:

Reviews of cryptocurrency games, interesting entertainment projects using cryptocurrencies .
These themes allow you to create a variety of content, attracting both new and experienced members of the crypto community .

Technical analysis of cryptocurrencies :

Detailed reviews of charts and technical analysis of popular cryptocurrencies .
Cryptocurrencies and charity:

Consideration of examples of charitable projects that use cryptocurrencies to raise funds.
Startups and ICO projects:

Reviews and analysis of innovative projects conducting Initial Coin Offerings (ICO).
Cryptocurrency conferences and events:

Reports and reviews of key events in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry .
Cryptocurrencies and regulation:

Study of legislative changes and the impact of regulatory aspects on the cryptocurrency market .
tokenization :

Review of platforms and projects involved in tokenization of various assets.
Cryptocurrencies in the gaming industry:

Analysis of the use of cryptocurrencies and NFTs in the world of video games.
DeFi Ecosystem Research :

A detailed overview of projects in decentralized finance ( DeFi ).
Cryptocurrency trends and forecasts:

Cryptocurrency market development forecasts and expected trends.
Cryptocurrencies V massive MASS MEDIA :

Consideration of the influence of cryptocurrency and blockchain on modern media.
Cryptocurrencies and art:

Analysis of the use of NFTs in the arts and culture sector.
Blockchain in education:

Projects and initiatives using blockchain to improve educational processes.
Cryptocurrency wallets:

Reviews of secure cryptocurrency wallets and instructions for using them.
Cryptocurrencies and the healthcare sector:

Using blockchain to improve the healthcare system.
Cryptocurrencies and Environmental Sustainability:

Projects working to create environmentally sustainable cryptocurrencies .
Cryptocurrencies and tourism:

Examples of using cryptocurrencies in the field of tourism and booking.
Cryptocurrencies and IoT (Internet of Things):

Research on the impact of blockchain on the development of IoT technology .
Cryptocurrencies in the music industry:

The role of cryptocurrencies in the distribution of income and copyrights in the music industry.
Blockchain games :

Reviews of popular games using blockchain technologies .
Cryptocurrency innovation in financial services:

Research on the use of cryptocurrencies in traditional financial instruments.
Cryptocurrencies and cybersecurity :

cybersecurity threats and solutions in the cryptosphere .
Cryptocurrencies and social media:

Consideration of the interaction of cryptocurrencies with social networks.
Cryptocurrencies and smart contracts:

Reviews of projects that actively use smart contract technology.
Blockchain Philosophy :

Reflections and discussion of philosophical aspects of blockchain technology.
Cryptocurrencies and robotics:

Research on the use of cryptocurrencies in the development of robotics.
Cryptocurrency projects in third world countries:

Analysis of the impact of cryptocurrencies on the economy and finance in developing countries.
Cryptocurrencies and trading:

Reviews of cryptocurrency platforms for trading and investing.
Geopolitics of cryptocurrencies :

The role of cryptocurrencies in the geopolitical aspects of the modern world.
Cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence:

The impact of blockchain on the development and use of artificial intelligence.
Cryptocurrency communities and their influence:

Analysis of the interaction and influence of cryptocommunities on the development of individual projects and the market as a whole.
These topics provide a wide range of opportunities to create information projects that can appeal to different audiences.

Cryptocurrencies and automated trading bots:

Reviews and comparisons of trading bots, their effectiveness and risks.
Cryptocurrencies and cloud computing:

How blockchain and cryptocurrencies interact with cloud technologies.
Decentralized identification systems:

A study of projects working to create secure identification systems on the blockchain .
Cryptocurrencies and law:

Analysis of the legal aspects of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in various countries.
Blockchain and production:

Application of blockchain in manufacturing and supply chain management.
Long-term investments in cryptocurrencies :

Tips for long-term investing in promising cryptocurrencies .
Cryptocurrencies and mobile applications:

Development and reviews of mobile applications for managing a cryptocurrency portfolio.
Cryptocurrency startups and innovations:

Presenting new and promising startups in the cryptocurrency industry .
Cryptocurrencies and international transfers:

How cryptocurrencies can improve international transfers and currency exchange systems.
Cryptocurrencies and venture investments:

Analysis of the interaction of cryptocurrency projects with venture capital.
Application of cryptocurrencies in agriculture:

Development of projects using blockchain to improve agricultural processes.
Tokens :

Research on security tokens and their use in financial instruments.
Regulation of stablecoins :

The impact of regulation on the development and use of stablecoins .
Cryptocurrencies and educational institutions:

Implementation of blockchain in educational data management systems.
Decentralized Oracles:

The role and significance of decentralized oracles in smart contracts.
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain in space exploration:

Projects using blockchain technologies for space research.
Research on Mass Adoption of Cryptocurrencies :

Factors and barriers to mass adoption of cryptocurrencies in everyday life.
Cryptocurrencies and fashion:

How the fashion industry is using NFTs and blockchain to protect intellectual property.
Efficiency of voice systems on blockchain :

Projects working to create secure and transparent voting systems on the blockchain .
Cryptocurrencies and Quantum Computing:

Prospects for the implementation of quantum technologies in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain .
These topics can inspire a variety of content and reach a wide audience.

Cryptocurrencies and e-commerce ecosystems:

How blockchain is changing payment systems in online trading.
Cryptocurrencies and cloud computing:

Study of the role of blockchain in the development of cloud technologies.
Cryptocurrencies in games:

Development and analysis of cryptocurrency gaming ecosystems.
Tokens and the music industry ecosystem:

How blockchain can change the interaction between musicians and listeners.
Cryptocurrencies and the film industry:

Projects using blockchain technologies in film production and distribution.
Cryptocurrencies and educational projects:

Creation of platforms for blockchain education and online courses.
Cryptocurrencies and Environmental Sustainability:

Projects seeking to create environmentally sustainable cryptocurrencies .
Cryptocurrencies in medicine:

Development of blockchain solutions for effective management of medical information.
Decentralized Organizations (DAO):

Analysis of the work of DAOs and their impact on project management.
Blockchain and insurance:

How blockchain technologies can optimize processes in the insurance industry.
Cryptocurrencies and legal marijuana:

The role of cryptocurrencies in payment systems for legal marijuana.
Cryptocurrencies and advertising:

Projects using cryptocurrencies to develop advertising models.
Blockchain and disaster recovery:

Using blockchain technology in disaster recovery systems.
Cryptocurrencies and data processing technologies:

How blockchain improves security and transparency in data processing.
Cryptocurrencies and agricultural technologies :

Projects aimed at optimizing agricultural processes using blockchain .
Cryptocurrencies and cosplay :

The impact of cryptocurrencies on payment systems in the cosplay industry .
Cryptocurrencies and working relationships:

Development of projects that improve personnel management using blockchain technology .
Cryptocurrencies and cultural heritage:

Projects aimed at preserving and protecting cultural heritage through blockchain .
Cryptocurrencies and travel:

How blockchain is changing the travel booking and payment industry.
Stablecoins and digital currencies of the Central Bank:

The impact of the issuance of digital currencies by Central Banks on stablecoins .
Blockchain and eSports :

Development of projects using blockchain in the eSports industry .
Cryptocurrencies and mobile payments:

Projects providing mobile payments using cryptocurrencies .
Cryptocurrencies and electric vehicles:

The influence of cryptocurrencies on the development of electric vehicle technologies.
Blockchain and architecture:

Application of blockchain in architectural projects and urban planning.
Cryptocurrencies and advertising models:

How blockchain is changing models of interaction with advertising on the Internet.
Charity projects on the blockchain :

Development of charitable projects using blockchain technologies .
Cryptocurrencies and sustainable development projects:

Investing in projects that combine blockchain and sustainability.
Blockchain and tourism:

Projects that improve the tourist experience using blockchain technology .
Cryptocurrencies and social networks:

The impact of cryptocurrencies on the creation of decentralized social platforms.
Tokens and cybersecurity :

How tokens can improve security in the online environment.
Cryptocurrencies and e-commerce:

Study of payment systems and loyalty in the field of e-commerce.
Cryptocurrencies and sports:

Projects supporting cryptocurrencies in the sports industry.
Blockchain and education:

How blockchain can improve processes in education systems.
Cryptocurrencies and infrastructure projects:

Development of blockchain solutions for urban infrastructure management.
Stablecoins And hyperinflationary economics :
The role of stablecoins in countries with high inflation.
Cryptocurrencies and esports betting:

Using cryptocurrencies in online eSports betting .
Blockchain and financial inclusion:

Projects promoting financial inclusion using blockchain .
Cryptocurrencies and media:

The impact of cryptocurrencies on the media and news platforms.
Blockchain technologies in the automotive industry:

Application of blockchain in the automotive production and service industry.
Cryptocurrencies and antivirus projects:

Projects that ensure the security of cryptocurrency transactions from viruses and fraud.
Cryptocurrencies and the fight against counterfeit goods :

Using blockchain to combat counterfeiting and counterfeiting.
Blockchain and Customer Service:

Development of projects that improve the quality of customer service using blockchain .
Cryptocurrencies and gamification :

How blockchain can enhance the effect of gamification in various areas.
Blockchain projects in the field of culture:

Creation of blockchain platforms to support and promote cultural research.
Cryptocurrencies and regulation:

The dynamics of interaction between cryptocurrencies and regulators and changes in legislation.
Stablecoins and cross- border payments:

The use of stablecoins to simplify cross- border financial transactions.
Cryptocurrencies and virtual reality:

How cryptocurrencies can change virtual worlds and reality.
Blockchain and energy:

Projects using blockchain to optimize energy distribution.
Cryptocurrencies and geodata :

Using blockchain in collecting and processing geographic data.
Cryptocurrencies and retail :
- Innovative projects that change the interaction of cryptocurrencies with retail trade.

Planned investments, detailed by articles and terms of development (if any, provide commercial offers or invoices), namely:
Arrangement of premises: rent or purchase, approximate location, area, purchase/rental cost, cost and duration of repairs;
Equipment: list of equipment and cost of purchase;
Furniture - price;
Vehicles - number, which, purchase / lease;
Other investments (franchise, personnel training, etc. )

2.1. Nomenclature of products;
2.2. The volume of production for each position, with the prospect of increasing the volume of production (or at least monthly for the first 6 months);
2.3. Sales price for each product item including VAT;
2.4. Additional income within the framework of this project.

3.1. Personnel and salaries (indicate the positions and salaries, if the staff changes over the years, then please indicate the personnel and salary plan for each year );
3.2. Raw material quantity and cost (calculation per unit or per batch of products);
3.3. Consumption of energy resources (gas, water, electricity), in accordance with production volumes;
3.4. Rent and utilities;
3.5. Advertising and promotion;
3.6. Other operating expenses (Other types of expenses not specified in the survey letter).

4.1. Describe your business idea;
4.2. Technical description of your product, production technology, equipment;
4.3. List any previous experience related to the implementation of the business plan;
4.4. What is the innovation of your product;
4.5. Your business model (B2B, B2C or other...);
4.6. Your target customers;
4.7. Your competitors;
4.8. What are your competitive advantages?
4.9. What customer needs or problems do your products and/or services solve?
4.10. How do you promote/will you promote your business?
4.11. Sales markets.

5.1. The amount of involved investments;
5.2. Amount of own funds;
5.3. Currency of settlement;
5.4. Share of own funds;
5.5. Interest rate on the loan;
5.6. Refund period.